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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hey guys, moved to a new blog.


No tag board, still undergoing altering at the new one!

See you chaps there this will be 1 of the last posts for this blog!

Carrying your name, close to me.
10:30 PM

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Thanks to Varun, Calvin and Charisa, especially Charisa. Thanks for the talk in school and the message. I needed a reality check to stop the self denial. Thanks alot sister.

2 years ago, I stood back proudly on my 2 feet. It's not impossible this time.

Thanks to Jean, Guo Liang, Emmi, Joyce and Alvan all who made school slightly brghter than the skies today.

My karma has came around. What goes around comes around. I made a mistake. Now the consequences. Take it like a man, son.

I'll be back, but not this weeek.

Carrying your name, close to me.
11:27 PM

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Just completed 2 hours and 45 minutes of studying with Varun at the library. Boring day considering it's a Saturday.

Thanks to Li Jun for talking tome throughout the 2 hours and 45 minutes cause I would have been damn bored had she not talked so much.

Dinner at 9. First time I had dinner so late. Until then. ORH-CHI-KOI-YOH!

Carrying your name, close to me.
8:45 PM

Song of the Day : "Love It When You Call " by The Feeling

I've been thinking about it. There is nothing I can do about it. All I got to do is remain optimistic. I believe what goes around always comes back around.


So a very bitter, yet a sweet week ends. Bitter cause of several things I cannot control. Sweet cause of something that hasn't happened to me for a very very very damn long time. Not since 3 years ago to be exact.

Here is the report card so far for my tests.

Case Reading Test : 32.5/40 (Top)
Statutory Reading Test : 32/40 (Top)
Principles of Management : 35/40 (Co-top with 2 others)
MacroEcons : 82/100
Computer Systems Applications : 31/50

Since Case and Statutory Reading tests are of the same subject, I currently stand at 3 As and 1 C. Shows hard work pays off. It's a new Mark as compared to the one who failed all along in Sec 3.

Beginner's luck? Maybe. Let's see if I can maintain the momentum. Every year I also arrow 5 people who will be my competitors. So here is the 5.


Ann Marie

TKGS girl and also from Marine Parade. She is the power-house favourite for topping the class in all subjects. Her Econs got 93% but I am not so sure about the others. She is like the Chelsea of the EPL, always expected to top subjects.

Rating : 4.5/5 (Major threat)

Alvan Lim

Bloody crazy bugger study like there is no tomorrow. Beat me in Econs and CSA so might probably be in top 3 for class. He stresses me out on the bus sometimes when he vomits out what he learns in class.

Rating : 4.2/5 (Major threat)

Xiao Yong A.K.A Jerry

Talented fellow who is sometimes code named Ferlin Junior because of his knack of being honest and very competent at answering Mr Ferlin's questions. Gained a strong foothold in presentation and might be a dark horse.

Rating : 3.6/5 (Dark Horse)


2nd in class for Case Reading test so might have to watch out for her.A dark horse as well, Might catch up if I don't watch out over my shoulder.

Rating : 3.4/5 (Dark Horse)

Jean, Li Jun and Bell

These 3 are potential surprise packages especialy when you consider that Jean scores 49/50 for CSA, Li Jun co-top POM with me on 35 and Bell's Econs 87% was a surprise to her. Have to keep my eyes open.

Rating : 3/5 (Surprise Packages)


As for the rest of the class, I am sure most will rise after seeing first term's results. People like Charisa (another sister!) and all are sure going to up their gear to another level. Let's do this as a class, babes!

I leave you with this message from Charisa's blog, entry on Thursday. Thanks for it, sister!

Anyhow, congrats to Mark! I'm really really happy for your good results
cause I know you obviously deserve every bit of it and I still wanna thank you
for always helping me out. Like searching for articles for me, helping me with
the assignments at unearthly times, printing stuff for me, paying for the notes,
etc! You go, brother! :)

Carrying your name, close to me.
10:26 AM

Friday, July 06, 2007

The sky's smiling sarcastically, as though challenging me to question its smile.
The majestic skyline contrasts the emotions running through me.
Taken for granted by human beings, no its mocking one.
The vapours in the sky are free, unlike the blood raging in my veins.
I am a walking corpse without a soul.
Like the Undead under the command.
What life was, will never be again.
Thou art doomed and destined for a life of misery.
Release these shackles of torment, I pray.
For every step I take, I feel life's worse.
A walking nightmare, they used to say.
My destiny was forewritten this way.
In torment I find black.
In misery I find joy.
Is this possibly the path that had my name authenticated with?
Pray tell me, before I get too deep.

Carrying your name, close to me.
8:16 PM

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Stupid arsehole pouring silicon powder on the plants.

1 night of self pity. That was the promise. I am back. Back with a smashing A for my Oral Presentation Group and topping the class with 32 and 32.5 over 40 for two papers.

BUT I am staying grounded. The applause I got was pleasant but not necessary. Remain humble, son. We still got a damn long way to go.

Cheers to Bell, Xing Yi, Sharifah and Hong Hui for today's OP, although I suspected we got A cause the other group got screwed.

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Manga Maximus
Your Superpower is Kissing
Your Weakness is Sunlight
Your Weapon is Your Foam Darts
Your Mode of Transportation is Jet
What's your Superhero Name?

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you.

You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.

Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now.
What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

So true. HAHA! Thanks to Guang for putting all the quiz on his blog cause he nothing to do.

Took some more and they say I will love a Capricorn. Oh well, time will tell.

Carrying your name, close to me.
4:13 PM

Mission accomplished.

Thanks to Leroi for being such a true monitor, the guys who went with him to get the stuff and the 4e1s who made it all happen. To those who didn't make it, sorry about the inconvenience cause it was on a Wednesday.

Thanks to God for people like Najib, Calvin, Shank and Nigel. I won't forget.

1 night of self-pity. Tomorrow I will be back. Pity I can't cry my fucking eyes out.

I forsee sleepless nights.

Carrying your name, close to me.
12:09 AM

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Xing Yi : " For this past 2 weeks, you everytime do tutorial every time heart not here, less enthusiastic."

I wonder why. No wait. I cannot keep thinking. My brain, body and soul has been overworking on thoughts and I am near a breakdown. As demostrated near LCOM Tutorial today.

It runs through my head once, and forever puts me in a state of confusion.

I question myself is it relevant. Rhetoric question. Afterall, it was silly to think that way.

I know I am rambling in circles. Only those at HG knew what I was saying.

It's late. I need sleep. I need to clear my mind.


All those promises. To think I was waiting for it to materialise. I was actualy that gullible. Maybe I should have just left you alone. Selfish for oneself. And they say men are bastards. God, I wish those shits took back their words and watch me struggle against the inner demons. I feel exhausted everyday from fighting to maintain a sane mind and I am fast losing my energy.

Self made disaster. Thinking back maybe I was just a fool or just a plain stupid asshole who was just believing that fairies did exist. In time to come, will I be a realist or still the same old immature fuck that I am.

"While I'm gone, everything will be alright."

The sadest songs have the most meaningful lyrics. This I promise you. I cannot think anymore. If only you knew how difficult is it to just try and fall asleep.

Well done, Mark.

Carrying your name, close to me.
11:09 PM

Monday, July 02, 2007

Create your own Friend Test here
When you got really nothing to do, you do this.
Thanks to LiJun and Guang who displayed on his blog. Sadly for both of them I got 40% for both.

Carrying your name, close to me.
9:56 PM

MPFC is more or less 1 year old in field soccer. But the bond we have goes beyond 1. Missing in the picture are some teammates who couldn't attend because of other matters.

4-1 victory but it was an average game for me. So a lethargic Saturday and Sunday was on hand and here I am blogging at 1235 AM Monday morning.

Life goes very fast doesn't it? 1 year ago, I was nowhere. 6 months ago I was in oblivion of what the future held for me. 3 months ago, Xuewei left for Australia. Today, she is back for a short break, I am looking at a test in 9 hours time.


With every worthless word we get more far away
The distance between us makes it so hard to stay
But nothing lasts forever, but be honest babe
It hurts but it may be the only way

"Nothing Lasts Forever" By Maroon 5

Carrying your name, close to me.
12:19 AM