Saturday, June 30, 2007

Boys will always be boys. Fascinated with cars and machines, it is almost orgasmic to see car-transform-into-fighting-machine.
This is the second movie after Ocean's Thirteen that has got my mouth hanging open in awe at it. And it's the second movie this year that gets 4/5 stars after Ocean's Thirteen again.
This movie just takes my breath away.
Carrying your name, close to me.
1:22 AM
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Did I grow up according to plan? says:
you're one good gentleman!
Did I grow up according to plan? says:
keep it up brother! Smiles as I enter the final day of the week! For people confused, this is 1L03's trademark TGITA (Thank God It's Thursday Afternoon) routine.
So been busying messing up my life with work and now I should been sleeping soon right after Sister Charisa sends me her final document to print.
"I hate how much I love you girl. I can't stand how much I need
Rihanna feat. NeYo - Hate that I Love You
Carrying your name, close to me.
12:09 AM
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Can't sleep, troubled dreams and it's a cold, wet and emo morning.Fucking irritating, these thoughts that turn my head inside out.I am losing the will to smile already.
Carrying your name, close to me.
5:28 AM
Monday, June 25, 2007
Monday blues huh? Guess it must be. Finished CSA already with a rather OK performance.
Soccer was all comical and all with Guang, Shank, Nigel, Raiyan, Tom, Prakash and I having a hilarious time at HG.
Snooker with Guang and Shank was just fun. I won! But by 20 points, out of which 8 came from both of them. Guang wasn't on form so I guess I just got lucky.
Watched the lightning in the sky for a few minutes, capturing nature's brilliance.
I year ago, I didn't know that many MPFC lads, just a few here and there. Now it feels like we walked through fire and ice together, especially with some of the teammates.
Neighbourhood just got a whole new meaning. Without them, I would still be another douch bag sitting at home isolated from the game I bleed for, with only occasional street soccer.
We are a team. A team that lost together and won together. Even if 1 was missing from the 25 guys, something will not be right.
Tak about team bonding. Talk about brotherhood. If you called the person beside you a "brother", how far would you go for him?
For all those whom I know as Brother, you know I will take the bullet for each and everyone of you.
Loyalty. Hardly exists these days.
Carrying your name, close to me.
11:05 PM
Saturday, June 23, 2007

1. Conceding a controversial penalty, which they missed cause of the "Bottom Left" curse.
2. Striking a free kick with maximum power.
3. Winning a header.
4 and 5 Together with Guo.
So today was a match between old legs and young talents. We won 5-1. Performance was quite steady except for 1 bad judgement. Still it's not everyday you live to save your team from letting in another goal after they rounded our keeper.
Katong Laksa with the lads and it was an enjoyable time. Partly cause we won 5-1 but also the chatter was just hilarious.
"Toyota Line of The Day" comes from Samuel.
Samuel : " So far you all go Poly, JC ah. BUT not 1 of you message me and say : Sam got chiobu in my class, here is the MMS / Picture. Intro lah!"

Guess who's smelly birthday is it?
HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY BABE! You know your birthday ain't that good cause we are not there celebrating for you! Return home soon. You know you're missed badly. =(
Have fun there first yeah. AND FOR YOUR FUTURE'S SAKE WE HOPE YOU GET YOUR 98%!!!
Carrying your name, close to me.
10:59 PM
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

This is Varun. Occupation : Clown and Comedian.
Fucker made me sneeze 20 something times in Nigel's house within 2 hours. Still a very nice guy to study with.
So nothing much happened for today except us studying at Nigel's house and a whole gang of us playing soccer at HG.
1 goal a day still fulfiling.
I don't know anymore. I've been keeping my spirits up for days.
Carrying your name, close to me.
9:25 PM
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
I was looking through my old posts last night. All the way from December last year and I read some posts which changed my life, notably the 100th post and the O Level results collection day on 9th Feb.
Life. Unpredictable.
Got a wake up call this morning and had a nice chat with Jiehui. Considering I slept at 4 this morning, it was quite good that I could wake up and talked in the sleepy voice.
Sunday was a mild day. Monday was a busy day with projects again. So I am getting set for a good day today. It's lunch with my cousin and auntie before abit of projects then soccer.
GEEZ AND I REALLY SLIMED DOWN. Just take a look from my archives. In all the pictures before I was quite a fat ass. Now I look fit. ^^
Carrying your name, close to me.
11:28 AM
Saturday, June 16, 2007
What Your Soul Really Looks Like |
 You are a warm hearted and open minded person. It's easy for you to forgive and forget.
You are not a very grounded person. You prefer dreams to reality. For you, it's all about possibilities.
You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you.
Your near future is calm, relaxing, and pretty much what you want. And it's something you've been anticipating for a while now.
For you, falling in love is all about the adventure and uncertainty. You can only fall in love with someone who keeps you guessing. |
Carrying your name, close to me.
6:16 PM

The first picture with Danny Mat after he came out of CD. I think it's like a custom to go to HG after we come back from somewhere. We were all expecting a 8pm arrival when he popped up in the middle of soccer.
So the few days have been study / projects. Boring life like no other. Most classmates would agree with me that the holidays are not fun.
Had my best form on Thursday when I was teammed with Guo. The 1 goal a day criteria is constantly fulfilled except for the occasions when I am injured or just started recovery.
Things are looking glomy on the injury front. It's new knocks after knocks on the knees and ankles.
Back-up fellow. Is that what I have become? I never believed I was a back-up player. I was and always will be first team player. And I'm not talking about soccer here.
I am starting to think that I was a transition friend. So much for loyalty. And you would be surprised who I am directing this at. It's not who you think it is.
Bombshells that clouded my time, emotions and thoughts everyday.
Carrying your name, close to me.
11:56 AM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Wuck-Tards having fun with the song dedication booth at Suntec. Hilarious dedication made by MPFC to a certain Marcus Lay. Hottest guy Guo and Nigel has ever met.
So after sending Mat off to CDA, we watched Ocean's 13 at Suntec at 6.40pm. It was really worth the money paid for it. The whole series is definitely worth watching over and over again on DVD.
Calvin is back. Cheers to that. Other than that it was a pretty draggy day with the movie being the highlight of the day.
Carrying your name, close to me.
11:40 PM
Monday, June 11, 2007

From Top to Bottom : The bodyguards of the class today in Court. The girl who lost her specs in court LiJun! and with Bell. To think Bell says I don't look happy. I look nicest in that 3 pictures ( 1 excluded cause I look cock-er than usual. ) that I took.So today was Court session. Smooth-flowing were the only words I can find to describe it.Cage for 4 hours. Now I am walking wounded to the core. 1 poor solitary goal only to my name.My final day with Mat. A solemn goodbye to a brother who will be going to NS. 10 days man. This holiday has been happening thanks to you man. Sor Sor, Nehmine, Ren Zhen-ly, mmhmmmmmmmm and O ( You know what I referring to la sia )---------There is something weird about listening to "I Won't See You Tonight" Part 1 and thinking through stuff. Now I understand why I did what I did even though it was wrong and it hurted.Now I understand fully. What it feels like to hide behind 2 masks, interchanging them so often I don't know what my real identity is at times.
Carrying your name, close to me.
11:12 PM
Saturday, June 09, 2007
THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU PUT THIS BROCHURE IN FRONT OF VARUN.For those who don't know, MPFC has a habit of changing the first letters of any word into "w". Especially the word panic. Mat, Shank, Bird, Guo, Raiyan and the rest who mix with us should know.
Wuck-Tards. Varun talked alot of shit today. First he came up with the "Story went wrong", then "Why don't you leave him". So today was all about projects even though it's the holidays. I see a busy week ahead already. Monday is Court visit followed by Cage for Mat. Wednesday is Cage again. Then it's back to projects and NBA Finals for any free time in between.A goal a day keeps the critics away. Glad to see that I've been fulfiling that promise. It's looking good for Cage on Monday and Wednesday. I look forward to playing with Guo again. Brothers of the same father but different mother.Fellow Wanic. =D
Carrying your name, close to me.
11:52 PM
Friday, June 08, 2007
The lepak table is gone. There goes the round table, MPFC's favourite place.So today was quite alright. Banged in 2-3 goals at BV court there but came home to play like shit. After feeling I wasn't even giving 40% of what I could do, I lost it. Got pissed with myself and I played like a man with a dozen vendettas.Glad to say I ended off alright. Alright, injury count going into this weekend.1. Bruised toe.2. Ankle Knock (Thanks ah Guo, your leg like metal sia.)3. Nearly cracked shin (YOU DON'T WANNA KNOW HOW I GOT THIS INJURY)So after abit of "Emo" state, I am now balanced again. Up till now, I'm still bemused as to how things from 2004 can affect me.-----------You know you're so pretty that I can't take my eyes off you. If only our worlds can intersect and merge into a single line of beauty.IF ONLY. Grown ups will tell you fairy-tales and dreams don't come true. Somehow I hope this one does. Please let it be.------------------I owe some mates an apology. People like Marcus, Timo, Najib and those who wanted to meet up during the last two weeks but I rejected. Especially Keith and Shi Kai cause I sort of missed their birthdays. Guilty of being an asshole, guilty of being too nerdy, guilty of taking stuff for granted.Shit man.
Carrying your name, close to me.
9:22 PM
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Very tiring day, with time zooming past and life cruising past.
Night is here. Time to fight memories. Don't understand why these few days, memories of the very old return. Something I thought I let go back in Secondary 4, when it happened in Secondary 2.
Fuck. Thank God it doesn't affect me large scale.
I should stop worrying about things I cannot change. Things like history, feelings, time and future.
Maybe when the time comes to worry abpout all this, then I should worry
Carrying your name, close to me.
11:09 PM
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Evolve. Grow. Darken. Dominate. Dictate.That's the path I chose. Nothing can stop it now.
Carrying your name, close to me.
9:03 PM
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Nobody said life was unfair. It's just a perception.
I have wondeful classmates. This comes from the bottom of my heart. I got people like LiJun who says she never study but when Jerry was testing me on 1 topic, she can rant off as though she had a carbon copy of the book in her brain.
Then there is Bell who I depend for navigation to the correct seat allocated to me. Theodor who comes out of the exam hall going "FUCK LA I LOST 20 MARKS ALREADY LAH! @#$%^&*"
Xing Yi who I think slept through the POM exam today, for I think 45 minutes.
Who wants any new jobs? Got alot on offer.
1. Pump petrol for MRT
2. Fix wheels for MRT
3. Driver for LRT
4. Wait for rooster to lay egg ( 1 egg $20 )
5. Pump air into bowling ball
6. MRT Ticket Inspector
People these days are just fucking hilarious. The jobs were contributed by Guo, Mat, Najib, Taufiq, Ameer and Nigel. I shall be looking forward to 10am tomorrow.
Carrying your name, close to me.
9:54 PM
Sunday, June 03, 2007

Happy Birthday Shi Kai! It's been 5 years since I last known you. First blood brother. Brothers for life.
So Sunday was a really unproductive day. Supose to have studied but ended up celebrating SK's birthday. Can't complain though.
Soccer was terific. Got 2 goals at HG but could have got more at HG2. I now hold the record for the fatest goal scored on HG. *Grins* PS : Beat that, Guo! HAHA!!!
Test tomorrow. Gotta rush to study. See you Babes soon! Especially Calvin you bitch, get home faster since you so sian in Canada.
Carrying your name, close to me.
9:07 PM
Today was all about teamwork. Performance in the morning wasn't something to shout about, especially with comical happenings all over the pitch. 3-1 was the final score with us being manipulated in the midfield regions at times.I find that I connect with some of the teammates pretty well. For some individuals, better than the rest of the team. 1 person is Guo who I find damn nice to be alongside him in the team. Nick is also 1 of the preferred players cause we both forged a partnership since primary school days. Guang comes in at third because of the mentality and the way he plays.For the rest of the team, I can adapt to them but it's not the style I had since young. Talk about lack of sleep, I woke up at 8.45pm after catching a 6.40pm nap.Alright, MacEcons is the game for tomorrow. It's the first major test for the Freshman Year on Monday and I ain't going to fail that.I find Beyonce's "Upgrade U" video bloody distracting. Not cause of the bling bling in the video, but because of her rocking body and the way she moves it.Oh Jay-Z, you fucker lucky bodoh.
Carrying your name, close to me.
12:36 AM