Monday, April 30, 2007
Wet slippers, chilli-filled dinner, sing along sessions, talk about ghost stories and just laughter.We walked 3km back to Marine Parade. Our brotherness goes beyond that distance. Way beyond that distance. Memories rushed back when I walked along the path where 3e1 played truth&dare and the spot where I watched the sunrise with Xuewei. Time really flies.I need some rest today, a printer tomorrow and some much needed love. =D-------Sometimes in life, things don't always go your way. So when that happens, you can't be worrying about things you cannot change. Rather, just try and concentrate on what you can change now. Look ahead, don't look back. Step small steps with increasing steadiness instead of taking 1 big mighty leap.The good things in life didn't come to those who rushed and rushed and fell at the last hurdle. Rather, it arrived to those who knew how to work out their tactics. Hurdles present themselves, but what I am saying is get over them with all the effort. It doesn't matter if you fall, Miss Chan, cause I believe you pick yourself up again right?!Afterall, those crazy Romans didn't build Rome in 1 day. So don't try and outdo those crazy Italians
Carrying your name, close to me.
11:35 PM
Saturday, April 28, 2007

What a smashing day. Although it didn't start off well, the afternoon was one of the best I've had for a very very long time. Talk about coincidences. We met the Army Boys and Shawn at Suntec just before the 3pm show of Wild Hogs.
Nigel wasn't in the pictures cause he felt offended to be photographed. So here are the pictures from his phone and mine.
1 and 2 are picture of the three mates. 3 is the picture where by the both of them morons tried to squeeze into the kiddy-ride things. 4 is acting cute for Danny! HAHA SORRY MAT! 5 is the MPFC people who went to Suntec.
Nearly fought with some xialan fuckers outside MacDonalds at Parkway cause they were very very xialan. If only Danny or Nigel had started to fight, I also won't hold back against those SOBs. "Deserve to get whalloped" rating : 9.5/10
Saw 3 madman, as in seriously something wrong guys, in 1 video recording.I swear we were just tailing 1 mad man when we spotted another, and then another. Holy shit. Talk about coincidences.
Met up with Najib and Suhaimi, as well as catching up with Ji, Tim and Keith.
Overall, have to say sorry to Najib cause he was planning to spend the night roaming Marine Parade and I couldn't accompany him for the "adventure".
Nonetheless, it was a super Saturday with tons of fun, plenty of laughter, smiles everywhere and an afternoon to remember.
What more can I ask from brothers?
Carrying your name, close to me.
11:34 PM
Hohoho! Finished assignment 3 days ahead of schedule so that can have stress free weekend. Steady or not?Ok so the day crawled to a start and it was good to go out after 1.30pm.Beat Martin in pool 4-2. I hit shots from angles which seemed impossible to connect. Had a good afternoon sheltered from the storm which most people were caught in. Nigel was pretty pissed with Bird. Why? Cause Bird beat him twice in "race to 3" games.Went to Bird's house to get my work done and it was like 12am when I left with Mat and Bird. Addicted to the song "Circle Circle Dot Dot".Very brief cause I ain't feeling on top of the world. See you guys soon. Hopefully tomorrow will be a smashing day.------------I walked up the slope and past a school, then past a field tonight. Up a place where I once stood with tears. Up to a place I spent my holidays frequenting. Up to a place somebody calls home.
Carrying your name, close to me.
1:30 AM
Friday, April 27, 2007
As the Sun rises to signify yet another day, I saw a picture. And I asked myself : Do I see this happening in another 10 years time?Was it possible that our heads could be even closer?And I guess as I sat infront of the screen, wondering, the answer was very simple.It's a brand new day, isn't it? =D
Carrying your name, close to me.
10:22 AM
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Talk about having a bad day. Let me tell you why I admire ATM cards and really wished I had 1.
9AM : $50 inside wallet.
9.17AM : $1 inside pocket.
Have you ever walked around public places with no cash at all? The feeling is freaking terrible.
Textbooks, laptop deposit all equals no lunch money. Thankfully HongHui lend me some money, so ate at Long John's with some of my classmates.
"So it looks like my peak period of rowdiness is ending cause I plan to be like Leroi in class. =("
I take these words back. Was I even sane when I said that?!
Anyway there were 2 incidents which confirm to me I am not the horniest moron in my class already. Taufiq claims that title. First, he asks my other class representative, Islin whether her tits were showing. Yes you just read it right. She was wearing a polo shirt which has a deep V and she didn't button, so that f***-tard just asked her "Is that your tit?"
Secondly, Xing Yi was wearing a short short skirt to class. She sat in front of me and Taufiq. So when it was her turn to go out and speak, she stood up and tried to walk out to the aisle. That horny shit just stared at her thighs and I suspect she was pretty aware at what he was looking at.

This is Taufiq. Talk about no shame. The cow was in the middle of an open field.
Carrying your name, close to me.
4:56 PM
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Aiya, I just saw the tagboard. I really got no comments to make. If people want to think I said that, go ahead and think lor. If they think I am that kind of guy, go ahead think lor.
This kinda cheap thrills also want to generate. -.-
Nearly lost my temper just a few minutes ago, and it didn't improve when I saw the fucking tag board.
Carrying your name, close to me.
2:32 PM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Day 2. For the first time, I studied at night. It's going to be that way from now on. Constant revision. So God help me if I don't.So a really weary day nears the end. Being the class representative is equivalent of Leroi's job with the added responsibility that there has gotta be more initiative in you now. Can't complain about the energy level in my class now, nor the bond we have formed so far.We'll see how it goes.Ok, so after school was pure relax after 2 tutorials and a lecture. Went to play pool with Shank, Danny and Nigel. Had soccer in the open area in front of Standard Chartered, where our spectators were all the people who walked by.It's hell good to finally control and hit the ball.Plenty of laughs and talks before heading to Mac to consolidate today's new stuff. Got a pretty good idea of MacroEcons introduction, Principles of Management.I seriously need to study this weekend. I ain't going to be like 4e1 Mark Zheng. Lagger, slacker, basement-kisser. F*** that from now on.Haven't seen some teammates and classmates as often as I liked. Hope you guys are doing steady in your respective JC/Poly. See you guys soon man!----------Ankle is finally feeling alright. Looks like it's time to put on the boots and start hammering shots again.
Carrying your name, close to me.
11:08 PM
Monday, April 23, 2007
Whew, Day 1 is over! And what a smashing way to start poly life! Met Nick at 9 to eat before going to school, suffering from the fact that he need not go school today.Went there too early for my liking. Thank God my new classmates were also there. WHY? Cause most of them live in Jurong, Yio Chu Kang, Woodlands there. SI BEI POWER SIA.So first lecture was a Mr Shah kind of fellow with much much more discipline. He kan a whole bunch of latecomers on their first day. No kid. This guy is F***ing cool. Respect man. I have his tutorial tomorrow so let's see how he deals with just 1 class.Consolidated friendships with some new mates. Became class representative ( I also don't know how the blue balls did I tio ), attended 2 more lectures and then caught up with Marcus, CK and Tim.Hmmm, class looks to be interesting cause at least I am learning something I am naturally good at AND also something which is relevant to life, instead of A Maths ah, Chemistry ah.No offence to those who are good in that, it's just not my interest.Ok, quite exhausted from the lectures today cause of a bad headache. Hope you guys had a fun day in your respective schools yeah!! =D
Carrying your name, close to me.
7:10 PM
Monday morning. Just woke up. Looking at the prospect of school. Until 5 pm.But what to do during break times? Oh well.Here's a Monday shoutout to Chan Xuewei : HAVE A BETTER MONDAY ALRIGHT?! =DI cannot locate any stationery for class later. Oh shit.
Carrying your name, close to me.
8:01 AM
Sunday, April 22, 2007
mark ah mark
Toosterrrr!! - BIZ BIZ BIZ BIZNESS! says:
we are the sharks OKAY
Toosterrrr!! - BIZ BIZ BIZ BIZNESS! says:
they are the fish
Toosterrrr!! - BIZ BIZ BIZ BIZNESS! says:
Toosterrrr!! - BIZ BIZ BIZ BIZNESS! says:
tell you
Toosterrrr!! - BIZ BIZ BIZ BIZNESS! says:
GO FOR THE WHALESShawn, you're the man when it comes to analogies mate. But I ain't that gutted actually. Aiya, if I were to say the truth here, you all would call me siao, nuts or bastard. This was like just mad mad infatuation only. Anyway I learnt my lesson not to go near attached girls already.*coughs* W-HOO?
So HERE IS TO DANIEL GUO WEIZZZONNNG! HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY BROTHER, THANKS FOR ALL THE BROTHER TIMES WE SPENT DURING THESE HOLIDAYS. YOU STILL THE BEST BROTHER OUT OF ALL THE OTHERS OUTSIDE BEDOK VIEW I HAVE MAN. BLESSED BIRTHDAY MATE!-----------Today I watched my cousin walked through the gates of Terminal 1. As I strolled past the check-in counters, I felt a tug at my memory. That place brings back sad memories, watching 1 of my best friends leaving for Australia, watching as she walked out of sight after clearing customs. Watching her...goHaiz. I can't wait for July too. Hope Time flies. Hope my left ankle recovers. Hope I get my laptop soon. Hope school will be electrical. Hope Jeanette Aw comes to Law and Management and sit beside me in class. Hope Eva Longoria becomes my yoga instructor.Alamak, tired already.
Carrying your name, close to me.
12:50 AM
Friday, April 20, 2007
So orientation is over and it was good! To be fair, it could have been better but hey, it's a good headstart already.So what's the summary of 1L03?Not too bad, with only 8 guys in the class. FYI, I am the third smallest in my class in terms of body building. Mariam's friend Alvan is in there. Nice guy called Theodore. So it looks like my peak period of rowdiness is ending cause I plan to be like Leroi in class. =(Oh well. There is something which I know some of the other guys might be thinking : You would gladly trade some of your course mates for some of your class mates of last year. Yes that's true, I felt that way too, but hey! Its a whole new beginning man. We embrace changes.So I can't say I am really happy with my class right now, but that's what I said at the beginning of 2003, 2005 too. In the end? We turned out just fine!1 thing is for sure. Brothers - Never forgotten. Najib, Calvin, Tim, Marcus, Suhaimi, Aaron, CK, Leroi, Keith and Shi Kai. Love to all you balls!--------CHAN XUEWEI - I HOPE YOU GOT/SENT/PLANTED A CLONE IN MY CLASS, WITH YOUR EXACT SAME FUNKYNESS. I REALLY MISS THE HIGH GIGGLES AND THE "AAAAHHHHHHHH" AND THE STUFF YOU DID IN CLASS. NOW I FEEL SO ALONE CAUSE NO GIRL LIKE YOU LIKE THAT! =((((And Jiehui, Aqilah!! WHY YOU GO HTM?! =(((--------The parting of ways has finally hit midnight. With this ends the class of 2006 and a whole new beginning presents itself. We can choose 2 ways right now. 1 is to stay and relive the old times and the other is to move ahead and get along with life, bearing memories of our old classes. Reminiscence will always return. Can Time do that? Think about it.With that, we each set off on a journey. It's not the destination, but the ups and downs we went through in the journey that will shape our character.
Carrying your name, close to me.
10:18 PM
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Oh well, Blogger has been shitting me up since I recovered my computer. So it's been a long time since I blogged. Alot of things have happened, including my Dad finding out that I pierced my ear. He's kind of cool about it now, so that's a big whew.Monday was spent at CK's grandma's house playing pool. I think I improved by a bit already, although CK still whopped me by 6 balls.Tuesday. The day "twins" were born. HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY TO BOTH NAJIB AND SIOBHAN! "TWINS" FROM THE SAME SCONDARY SCHOOL CLASS OF 1E3 AND 2E3 2003-2004!!!So today was heavy duty shopping at Beach Road there. Thanks to Nigel for showing me the cheap deals and instead of spending hundreds, it was $56 bucks for a pair of canvas shoes, bermudas and a shirt.Evening was spent with the birthday boy Najib and the rest of the guys. Pool and DotA, with my partnership with Calvin still good.And Xuewei called! All the way from Kangaroo Land! HAHAHA!! Spent sometime chatting with her near the ending of the DotA game and it was so nice to talk to her again. You will understand that feeling if 1 of your best friend went away. It's so good hearing from your organic voice again. =DSpeaking of voice, looks like Jiehui's voice sounds better. That means cannot disturb her tomorrow night already, when we meet for tea and talk with Aaron " HE'S CHUBBIER NOW " Ho.Goodbye holidays. By calculation, it's been half a year of slacking, playing, pleasure and bliss. I think I've had enough of it for now. It's time for serious work now baby. 3 years of hard work I suppose?Oh well, who knows?=D Cheers to other poly compatriots who will begin Day 3 when they read this. I am still 6 days away from actual school.
Carrying your name, close to me.
11:37 PM
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Friday 13th. Unlucky day? You bet. Just as I rushed out of my house planning to take a bus to Bedok View, it bloody poured.-.- Oh well.Other than this, it wasn't a bad day at all.Went to play pool with the chaps Calvin, CK, Najib and Timo. Surprisingly, I beat Calvin twice I think. I assure you I have never beat anyone in pool, maybe occasionally but yesterday was the best pool session I've had.WENT SHOPPING! 5 guys going shopping together. Talk about bonding. ^^Bought a new polo tee (Gio, of course where the price is cheap), ear stud.And finally, I got something ironed out to Calvin. It's been an internal struggle and it hasn't been nice. Oh well.Friday 13th - Unlucky only cause you want it to be unlucky. Not because it's a tradition.OH! OH! 4e1 Temasek Poly chaps! Wanna go to school on Wednesday? Timo, Marcus, CK, Aqilah, Jiehui and more of you guys! We are going there to "see the studying environment", if you know what Timo and I mean!
Carrying your name, close to me.
8:57 AM
Friday, April 13, 2007
Your Brain is Green |
 Of all the brain types, yours has the most balance. You are able to see all sides to most problems and are a good problem solver. You need time to work out your thoughts, but you don't get stuck in bad thinking patterns.
You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about the future, philosophy, and relationships (both personal and intellectual). |
I think I am hooked to this stuff! And it's pretty darn accurate also. Not sure about the good problem solver considering my maths got C6.
Oh well. Off to take somemore tests. Then it's off to Bedok View where we collect the yearbook and O Level Certificate.
Carrying your name, close to me.
9:30 AM
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Ooooppppssss big time. Oh well.
Carrying your name, close to me.
6:09 PM
Your Element Is Water |
 A bit of a contradiction, you can seem both lighthearted and serious. That's because you're good at going with the flow - but you also are deep.
Highly intuitive, you tune in to people's emotions and moods easily. You are able to tap into deep emotional connections and connect with others.
You prefer a smooth, harmonious life - but you can navigate your way around waves. You have a knack for getting people to get along and making life a little more peaceful. |
Thanks to Guang for his blog's good link.
Carrying your name, close to me.
8:29 AM
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Holy shit man, I don't believe it. WTF HAPPENED TO ROMA?! As a realist, I admit I thought my beloved United were dead and buried. I just stare incredulously at the news. OH MY GOD.
Oh my God.
Salute to Chelsea too, for fighting back. English clubs are owning this year in the Champions League. Sorry Arsenal folks who have to bear the torment of this post.
The best place to clear trains of thoughts. Just sitting there alone, watching the cars go by and filtering all the "Should I or shouldn't I?"Thinking back and asking "What if..?" and "Would it have been...?"I am getting better at controlling emotional thoughts. Maybe it's cold-heartedness or immune to emotional stuff, but I don't really get the down feeling these days.Not since I walked past sugar, flour and butter in NTUC 2 weeks ago. Reminiscence of yester-year is something I have stopped doing, except on rainy nights.Shawn's equation is right. Emo-->Depression-->Crying-->Suicide.Oh well, time to put it all down.I rather cared for you like how I used to, rather than someone who likes you so much and cannot be of any help. If time could turn back, this was a brave, honest but stupid mistake. What can I say when you've made a choice already?The answer is : Nothing. It's your choice and your heart. Your feelings. Not mine.With that, the final petal of the flower drops, allowing the tortured flower to finally expire. As seasons past, a new flower wil bloom and maybe then, will new petals blossom and truly have their share of love. Only when the old has expire, can the new survive. Acceptance, of a death is the only way we can move forward.
Carrying your name, close to me.
8:52 AM
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Ok, so my computer managed to out-do itself by auto restarting with the press of a spacebar. I swear I was just pressing spacebar when the damn com screen went black and then....gone like the wind. *curses*So here I am with my dad's laptop, which is restricted, to being online until a laptop comes my way. I guess I won't be online that often / long during the evening anymore. ):Monday blues. Bleahs.But it was a great afternoon though, with us MPFC giving Bryan a final Cage trip before he goes NS.Goals : 3, with 1 a la Carvalho at Tottenham.Bad news : My ankles were swollen at the end of the night.I was high yesterday! I also dunno why! It's like I just suddenly got the feeling of performing on the pitch back. It was a reasonable performance when I consider that I sucked balls last Thursday.Today, i did something unexpectedly =)inspired by MARK.
Taken from somebody's blog.
Carrying your name, close to me.
8:33 AM
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Today's nonsense.Calvin : " So Lam, you're a paedophile ah?"
Lam : " Eh fuck you."
Short pause
Lam : " Eh what's a paedophile ah?"
Guo : " Someone who is afraid of pillows."
Lam : " Eh Calvin you no link leh. People talking about kids you talk about
That made our stomachs ache like fuck.On a more serious note, I am beginning to grow lethargic. I wish there was field soccer. But I guess injuries make you lethargic.--------Decisions. Make them carefully. Think through. Think twice. Think again.Let it go fuckhead, what the fuck were you even thinking? Let the past just die and decompose. If in the future the winds change direction, who can say it's a regret today? Then again if one day history ruins you, who can say you made the right choice?When the time comes to make the decision, will you be brave enough to choose the right one? You see yourself cause you want to see your own future the way you like it. Not the way reality has it for you.
Carrying your name, close to me.
9:12 PM
Friday, April 06, 2007
So it was a day of ups and downs yesterday. The Bad : I think I rushed back too early. For the first time, I didn't score at the Cage. Worse, I got the most shots at goal but none went in. Add that to pushing my ankle beyond the pain barrier equals to worse day at the Cage.The Good : At least after that we had a nice dinner and games of pool. Met Calvin and Keith at McCafe on our way up. And it's a nice way to take my mind off some of the things that were coming from the back of my mind.And there is something I have to say. I will miss Bryan's nonsense once he goes for NS.Me ( talking to Shawn ) : "So I guess I will meet
you in Heaven?"
Short pause
Bryan : "Erm, I don't think he is going there."
So I guess it's going to be less fun once the JC lads go into NS. And it's time I had a real time-out from soccer for hopefully maximum 2 weeks.
Carrying your name, close to me.
11:17 AM
Thursday, April 05, 2007
I am going to believe what Guo said. That dreams don't come true.I really hope the one I just had won't come true.It's just after 6am here and I am very unsettled. Disturbing dreams. And what makes it worse is it is haunting me. I am not turning crazy but I am deeply affected by what I just saw in my dream.God, please don't make nightmares turn into reality, will you?
Carrying your name, close to me.
6:06 AM
Monday, April 02, 2007
Today the number 1 is the magic number.1 - The number of hours I spent awake before brushing my teeth. Too busy with FM until I went to the fridge and realised "Oh yeah ah!!! NB!"1 - The number of times I have to restart my computer cause of the BLOODY VIRUS SOMEBODY SENT ME LAST NIGHT.1 - The number of minutes before I know my left ankle not ready for soccer yet.1 - The number of super goals scored before my left ankle collapsed.1 - The number of weeks before I start to smell the soccer again.1 - The number of SMS I sent today. ( Oh my hair, thats gotta be a new record! )-------------Mark - *[ Past the deceptions and lies. ]* - says:
then u wear my shirt alot she got ask u whether "is mark hot?"different songs to the same tune says:
LOL! her mom asked my mom " mark's your daughter's bf?different songs to the same tune says:
hahaha and my mom jokingly said no la,son in law already!different songs to the same tune says:
then she laugh like shit,then said "her goodfriend from school"different songs to the same tune says:
HAHAHAHAHA i was laughing so hard that my stomach was in knots!I know the question abit no shame. But what can I say? I love you, Mum-In-Law? That so made my evening. And I am grinning to the computer screen like a moronic piece of thrash, but I guess that's what you call bliss.So I guess to end this post on a sad note, it's going to be a long time before I can play soccer again. = [
And I so thought of scoring again this Thursday. Damn.
Carrying your name, close to me.
7:16 PM